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Welcome to Albany Pool Rebuilders, the Capital Region’s premier custom swimming pool rebuilders! We cover a wide variety of swimming pool needs from tasks as small as openings and closings, all the way to total rebuilds. With over 30 years of experience under our belts, you can rest assured our highly experienced team can take your pool from rough shape to a great space in no time!


We provide expert guidance from concept to completion, leaving our customers with what they value most — time, relaxation, a great pool, and most importantly, a closer connection with family and friends. If you’re living in the Saratoga, Wilton, Clifton Park, and Ballston Spa, NY areas or beyond, and you’re in need of Liner Replacement, Filter & Pump Upgrades, Heater Units or Repair, Safety Covers, Automation, Openings & Closings, or a Complete Renovation, then give Albany Pool Rebuilders a call and we can splash some life into your pool, today!

Openings & Closings

Swimming Pool Openings & Closings Services

Whether the pool season is over or the fun is just starting, Albany Pool Rebuilders can properly open or close your pool. Whether you’re opening or closing your pool, there are important maintenance steps that need to be taken in order to keep your pool in great shape with no repair problems down the road. The pool experts at Albany Pool Rebuilders know how to get the party started or close down for the winter, quickly and efficiently.

Liner Replacements

Swimming Pool Liner Replacement Services

Your pool’s life depends on its liner. Obviously, pool liners keep water in your pool but they do a lot more than that. In fact, pool liners protect the floor and walls of your pool from mold and bacteria, as well as other damages to your pool over time. However, after a period of your liner being exposed to elements like the sun and wear and tear, it can deteriorate even with top-of-the-line maintenance.

Complete Renovations

Complete Swimming Pool Renovation Services

If a pool is installed properly it will last for many generations. However, time and outside elements can take a toll on the appearance of your pool, and improper installation can cause settling and bowed walls. Albany Pool Rebuilders can make your pool look like it was installed yesterday with removal and replacement of your deck, coping, and liner. We can also add features such as steps, benches, and sun decks. We can also change the shape and depth of your pool to help build unforgettable experiences and memories for years to come!